Sunday, January 2, 2011

venturing into blogging

I have been wanting to blog for awhile now and a new year is good time to start.

I am passionate about cooking and have just recently started gardening.  So I will be sharing mainly about that.  Food will be the headliner but daily life will be make a regular guest appearance; at the very least it will be the background.

My husband shares my passion - in every way.  And not only is he the appreciative recipient of my culinary efforts but also a great cook himself and his advice is invaluable.  He'll be featured in my posts as well.

I plan to share recipes, tips and daily life experiences.  I welcome your comments and hope we can encourage each other to great meals and even great relationships!

Let's eat!

(I've got a pot roast simmering in the crock pot, blanketing the house in a heavenly aroma of seared beef, red wine, vegetables and spices.  Perfect for winter.  I've got Irish soda bread to go with it).

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