Tuesday, January 11, 2011

shock and awe

I hate to admit it but I’ve got a heavy hand when it comes to spices.  My husband has to remind me regularly that a little bit goes a long way.  Emeril’s BAM! has nothing on mine.  I put a lot of shock into some of my meals. 

Last week my husband was nursing a head cold.  I had Asian planned for dinner so I thought I’d make hot and sour soup.  That’s one of my favorites and he loves it too.  You’ll never hear me go for the egg flower soup at restaurants.  Amazingly enough, for a soup that has such complex flavors, it is fairly easy and actually simple to make.

And so  I make a batch and I julienned a huge chunk of ginger.  Much to my husband’s disapproval!  He reminded me that a marble-size one, finely chopped, would have been enough.  The soup still had the awe but the shock wasn’t necessary.  We still enjoyed it and it helped clear up his head cold.

Now I am capable of hints of flavor. I make a mean potato salad that my husband just loves.  I made some the other day to go with barbeque beef sandwiches and spicy pickles and I got heaps of compliment from my love.  My well-known “secret” ingredient is bacon.  But I have another secret that I have yet to reveal and I only put a little bit of it.  I think it enhances the flavor quite a bit but you would never guess what it is.  I also put boiled egg, green onion and sweet relish in it along with the usual mayo and mustard.

Tonite we’ll have fish. I’m thinking lightly breaded with some rice and veggies.  I need to make dessert one of these days.  It’s been awhile.  I’ve not made any because of the dreaded new year, etc

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