Thursday, February 24, 2011

spring is almost here!

Except in our part of the state we might be surprised by snow after a couple of weeks of sunny, springtime weather!  Yay!

I planted these seeds merely a few days ago and look what I've got: 

The perfect image for 1 Cor 3:6 - "I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow." Amen!  God is awesome indeed.  These are all kinds of lettuce, btw.

I continue to be buried at work so it hasn't been a very creative week for cooking. I whipped up some chicken breast with red peppers and mushrooms, fire-roasted tomatoes, tomato sauce & paste, mixed with some red wine and served with linguine for a quick meal last night.  My husband and I have been de-stressing with some serious projects inside the house:  painting some accent walls and our bannister!  A great alternative from TV watching.

Tonite hubby's at a meeting so I've got some precious time for some serious Bible reading and journaling.

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