Thursday, November 1, 2012

cheers from the past!

I have been enjoying watching back episodes of The Office while on the treadmill. I'm now in the middle of Season 2 and thought I needed a break from all the office dysfunction. So I started browsing Netflix and to my heart's great delight, I saw Cheers on the instant queue list! Wow! Jackpot!

I became a Cheers fan back in college. And I became obsessed with it. I just loved the camaraderie and the community. And the humor! I didn't realize I hadn't seen the pilot episode and it was awesome. It was just pure joy watching it. I laughed great, big, belly-laughs. I loved the Coach's innocence and Carla's toughness. I was never a fan of Sam's womanizing and I loved Rebecca Howe more than I did Diane (she annoyed the crap out of me). But the chemistry in that cast was just amazing. I was so jazzed watching it I ended up doing the fastest sprint I ever did on that treadmill! I felt like I could just fly!

And I loved the theme song and it was even more poignant as my Hubby and I are in the middle of opening our own brewpub. I feel so humbled. I am so excited at the possibility of living out my own Cheers season in life! The Lord is so good.

I pray our own place would be so welcoming to others. Where everybody knows your name. Which is going to be hilarious because Hubby has a hard time remembering people's names.

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