Saturday, November 17, 2012

biscuits, sausage & gravy

Today is rainy, windy and grey and the thought of homemade biscuits, sausage and gravy got me out of bed!!! I used our homemade breakfast sausage and made the gravy with whole milk and a couple of tablespoons of flour to thicken it up. Fresh ground pepper is key and a bit of a heavy hand with the salt.

I need to practice making biscuits. These were alright. These are dangerous to keep making - I love warm biscuits with butter and preserves. And I still had some homemade strawberry ones! The eggs of course are from our chickens. Which are sadly now down to two hens...we lost one earlier this week. She went quick - a respiratory issue of sorts. She was sick for barely two days.

A great Saturday breakfast though!

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