Wednesday, June 6, 2012

worth the wait

My Hubby has been raving about his famous stuffed artichokes but in the 5+ years I've known him, I've never tasted it! He's been promising to make some for me and he finally delivered! And it was worth the wait.

He made the stuffing the night before: Italian sausage, portabella, mushrooms, red pepper, scallions and all sorts of seasonings. We had bought two huge artichokes and last night, he stuffed each one chock-ful of the stuffing, adding bread crumbs, grated Italian cheese including my homemade mozzarella and drizzled both with olive oil. He then steamed them for over an hour.

The picture says it all. Like all bonafide chefs, he wasn't quite satisfied with it - he felt like the artichokes needed to steam longer. I finished all of mine! It was everything he said it would be!

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