Sunday, June 10, 2012

first remodel!

Hubby and I already had to remodel the Chicken Condo:-) The girls aren't delivering the amount of eggs we need for us and to share so we need to get them roommates. Therefore, the need for expansion. We extended the run and installed a less intrusive and more space-saving water source. The remodel was nowhere near the perfection we usually aim for but it's functional for now. We plan to get the roommates by mid-week so Velma and Daphne have a few days to live it up!

We were really pleased with finding almost an exact match for the stain. I should share though that we discovered these chickens are hardly skittish and love people! There were practically next to us while we built the run. One of them was dumb enough to peck the foam brush I was using to apply the stain! She stabbed at it so fast I didn't have time to react and shoo her away! Hubby had to wipe off her beak which is now slightly orange.

Hubby lamented that we seem to be stuck with dumb pets. Our girls (a dog and two chickens) really love people! I think they're smart in their own way...I hope!

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