Monday, May 21, 2012

a very productive Saturday

Hubby had a great time at the brew fest last night...raved and raved about it! I was glad - he needed the night out with the guys. I had a chance to hang out earlier that day with my girlfriend so my tank was good. Coffee and lots of talking - always a good combo.

Saturday morning started with a good walk with my Scooby girl and then really good quiet time. I'm trying to memorize verses again. It's been awhile but it is a very worthwhile discipline. Very filling!

We went to another brew fest by the river. This time just Hubby and I and we appreciate the quality time. We played our usual games of yatzee. But the park was just jammed pack with people. We lasted barely an hour. But we got to eat really, really good nachos and Hubby paid for it dearly with his tummy.

When we got back home, it was only 2:30 - perfect for a nap! After we rested some, we tackled another backyard project: The Chicken Coop! We had put it together last weekend but needed to clear the area where we needed to place it. That meant moving some rocks and plants. And here's the finished product! I am hoping to get chickens by next weekend.

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