Friday, March 2, 2012

quotables and misheard

This has nothing to do directly with my kitchen nor garden but they're hilarious!  While finishing up dinner one night, my hubby was regaling me with some of his life stories and this line just got me laughing:  "Yeah, he's the crank addict who took me to church!"  Now how many people can say that?!  I told him we'd make a lot of money if we wrote his bio.

Last night I exclaimed to my hubby:  "It's nine o'clock! I've got to wax the cheese!"  Now, without knowing the context, that is just plain funny!  9 pm is pretty late for me and earlier that week we made our very first cheese.  It had been drying and now it's time to wax it so it can age longer.  The very next day we were leaving for the Wine Road Barrel Tasting so I was feeling a bit stressed.

And we are now in Sebastopol enjoying day 1 of the first weekend of barrel tasting.  We found a pretty cool cottage that's reasonable and roomy enough to share with our dog.  Anyway, we went to one of our favorite wineries...Russian River Winery.  As we were coming up, there were guests on their way out with wine glasses half full of white wine.  I commented to my hubby:  "They have hefty pourings here!"

He heard  hefty porns instead!  Cracked us both up!

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