Tuesday, September 4, 2012

august got too busy

I am bummed to see that I managed only one post in August. We got totally caught up in starting our new business...pursuing our dream of opening a microbrewery! Huge, huge undertaking - exciting and scary but it is all worth it given that my Hubby and I are partnering in everything. It is taking up a lot of energy and time and money and we are trusting that the Lord will continue to guide us with wisdom, faith and courage. We have the support of family and friends and it is an amazing blessing. I'm sure there will be more posts on this adventure but for now I will keep it real.

This is the bowl of table grapes we harvested earlier in August. They were good but could be better and bigger. Our focus has been on our wine grapes but these table grapes are more mature and make a beautiful wrap for our arbor. Somehow I would need to add caretaking for the table grapes to my list of gardening priorities.